We live under the effect of Sola Gratia – only by the grace of God that we are in the world, but we are not of it. It is the opportunity to review our role as children of God in the different orders where we have been placed by him:
– in the family, as parents and children;
– in the civil life of the country, state and municipality, as citizens and authorities;
– in professional life, as bosses and employees;
– at school, such as administration, teachers and students;
– in every time and place, as the salt and light of the world.
Our life, based on God's grace, extends throughout the world. As heirs of the Reformation, we have the opportunity to evaluate how we are seen today and what our responsibility is to live and proclaim what the Lord has done in the place where we have been placed.
Agendas, increasingly full of activities, attack us with the lack of time for God, such as: meditating, reading, reflecting, praying, singing. In Ecclesiastes 3 it is said that everything has its appointed time. Choosing priorities helps to relieve our anxieties and alleviate the guilt we carry. It's not easy, but we can start.